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Here are my publications and some of my supervised academic works.


Here are my publications and some of my supervised academic works.
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Search the NASA Astrophysical Data System (ADS), the arXiv preprint server, ORCID, Google Scholar, or Semantic Scholar

  1. General relativistic precession and the long-term stability of the solar system
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    MNRAS, Volume 521, Issue 3, May 2023, Pages 4349-4355 - arXiv preprint - NASA ADS

  2. On the long-term stability of the Solar System in the presence of weak perturbations from stellar flybys
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    MNRAS, Volume 515, Issue 4, October 2022, Pages 5942-5950 - arXiv preprint - NASA ADS

  3. A Repository of Vanilla Long-term Integrations of the Solar System
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    RNAAS, Volume 4, Number 12, 9 December 2020 - arXiv preprint - data set (Zenodo) - NASA ADS

  4. On the accuracy of symplectic integrators for secularly evolving planetary systems
    Hanno Rein, Garett Brown, Daniel Tamayo
    MNRAS, Volume 490, Issue 4, December 2019, Pages 5122-5133 - arXiv preprint - NASA ADS

  5. High order symplectic integrators for planetary dynamics and their implementation in REBOUND
    Hanno Rein, Daniel Tamayo, Garett Brown
    MNRAS, Volume 489, Issue 4, November 2019, Pages 4632-4640 - arXiv preprint - NASA ADS

  6. Hybrid Symplectic Integrators for Planetary Dynamics
    Hanno Rein, David M. Hernandez, Daniel Tamayo, Garett Brown, Emily Eckels, Emma Holmes, Michelle Lau, Rejean Leblanc, Ari Silburt
    MNRAS, Volume 485, Issue 4, June 2019, Pages 5490-5497 - arXiv preprint - NASA ADS

Presentations and Posters

  1. The effects of stellar flybys on the formation and stability of the Solar System
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    DDA - 13 May 2024 - University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  2. On the Long-term Stability of the Solar System
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    GSSS - 20 Mar 2024 - University of Toronto Scarborough - Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

  3. On the Long-term Stability of the Solar System
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Invited Presentation - pdf
    Exoplanets/Stars Seminar - 27 Feb 2024 - Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA

  4. Long-term Solar System Survival (Analysis)
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    StellarStats 2023 - 4 May 2023 - University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  5. Too Close For Comfort
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf - video
    DPS54 - 4 Oct 2022 - RBC Place London - London, Ontario, Canada

  6. Too Close For Comfort
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    CITA Planet Day - 9 Aug 2022 - University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  7. Small Changes with Big Consequences: Solar System Stability
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Poster - Zenodo - pdf
    ERES 2022 - 1 Aug 2022 - Penn State - State College, Pennsylvania, USA

  8. Quantifying the Effects of Weak Stellar Flybys on the Solar System
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Poster - Zenodo - pdf
    ERES 2021 - 25 May 2021 - Princeton University - Online

  9. Quantifying the Effects of Stellar Flybys on Planetary Systems
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    ERES 2019 - 18 Jun 2019 - Cornell University - Ithaca, New York, USA

  10. Quantifying the Effects of Stellar Flybys on Planetary Systems
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    Planetary Dynamics Conference 2019 - 6 Jun 2019 - Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy - Heidelberg, Germany

  11. Coordinate Interpolation and Data Compression Using REBOUND
    Garett Brown, Hanno Rein
    Submitted Poster - pdf
    Theory Canada 13, 2018 - 8 Jun 2018 - St-Francis Xavier University - Antigonish, Nova Scotia Canada

  12. Beyond Phase Transitions: an Algorithmic Approach to Flocking Behavior
    Garett Brown, Manuel Berrondo
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    APS Four Corners 2016 - 22 Oct 2016 - Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

  13. Order in Chaos: an Algorithmic Approach to Holistic Flocking Behavior
    Garett Brown, Manuel Berrondo
    Submitted Poster - pdf
    APS Four Corners 2016 - 21 Oct 2016 - Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

  14. Order in Chaos: an Algorithmic Approach to Flocking Behaviour
    Garett Brown, Manuel Berrondo
    Submitted Presentation - pdf
    APS Four Corners 2015 - 17 Oct 2015 - Arizona State University - Tempe, Arizona, USA

Other Works

  1. General Relativity and Long-term Stability
    Garett Brown - html

  2. Stellar Flybys and Long-term Stability
    Garett Brown - html

  3. Chaos and Stability of Planetary Systems
    Course Final Project - Nonlinear Physics (PHY1460)
    Garett Brown - pdf

  4. On Character, Identity, and Community
    Convocation Speech (2017) - College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, BYU
    Garett Brown - text - pdf

  5. Beyond Phase Transitions: an Algorithmic Approach to Flocking Behaviour
    Honors Undergraduate Thesis - BYU Physics and Astronomy Senior Thesis Archive (2017)
    Garett Brown - pdf

  6. Gravitational Wave Estimation with Bayesian Compressed Sensing and Machine Learning
    Research Project - Pembroke-Kings Programme
    Garett Brown - pdf

  7. Here, We Control the Dragons
    Great Questions Essay - BYU Honors
    Garett Brown - pdf